"I just want to say that a dream come true for me is about to happen. "It is time to take on the world stage we welcome the three-peat ANZ champions to The Chiefs family" (in English). "Please show your support for our new roster of Spartans joining Quadrant" (in English). Posts with items for sale or sale inquiries will be removed.Abature, Ace, Allelleujah, aPG, APMH, Artic, Avenue, Azirafell, Bardes, Batmavne, Beastish, Bepics, Bkap, Blaze, Blitzkrieg, BoamX, Bones, BooBooBair, BOPSTERRR1, borgtype, Bound, Brainstrm, bubu dubu, Bunnies Waddles, Burst, Cafe, Cereal, Champion, Charullz, Cheeks4Meeks, Claim, Cohlynn, Common, ConspiracY, ConspiracYi, Cortex, Cratos, CreepyTrash, Crewman, criddy, Crush, Dallay, DarkMatter XV, Deciting, DeclinxR, Derderf, Dynamics, EccentriK, Eco, Eli Elite, Employee, emteekay, Envore, Euzey, Ewizzle, Facty, Falcated, Fantasy, FauLTLinE, Ferro2Clutch, FilthyG, Finicki, Flamesword, Flurriously, FormaL, Fragou7, Frosty, Fyah Bird, Galaxy, Gildavinho, Gilk3y, Glitchy, Glocktype, Gnyus, Godlo, GoldStar, GuarDNJ, GulVShoT, Guntype, Haines, HalfOlympian, HeLLuVa, HeLuSiK, hiabdeef, HJSobe, HoLic, Holy, HuNteR Jjx, Huss, Hysteria, iGotUrPistola, Impulsion, IncessanTT, infamous, Jaxx, JForJumper, JGravity, JkVii, Josue, JR2, Juziro, Kabe, Kadaddle, Karmea, Kilimajaro, KingJay, KingNick, Knoxxd, Koskiiiiiii, Kuhlect, LethuL, LiLT2, lilWlLL, Lucid, Manny, MaxSmackz, MenaceXV, Mild, Minds, MissLehcar, MoE, Moment, MoNsTcR, Mop2Clutch, Mortally, MrAlpha, MuDShoT, N2O, Name, Naxxis, Neastlake, Nebula, Neighbor, Nemassist, Neuronical, PackMandela, Pandur, Paradigm, Penguin, Pentagrxm, pi3, PiLEZ, Pmak, Posey, PreDevoNatoR, Prototype, Psylince, Rammy, Rayne, RealisedG, Renegade, Rengar, RiotShock, Rob, Rookieizback, RowaN, RyaNoob, Sabinater, Sargothcc, Sceptify, Scrip, scuds, Secluded, Sev, ShieldzJS, Shutout, Skary, Slinky, SlowakinZ, SmokeYadig, SnakeBite, Snip3down, SOLO, Sorrell, SoulSnipe, Spartan, Squallaye, SSaintly, sSquilly, StelluR, Stillmatic, Str8 SicK, SUDDOTH1, SUDDOTH2, sunnyShadow, SuperCC, Suppressed, Suspector, Swish, Sylvanic, T4Bid, Taulek, Thrrone, Tomell, ToysoldieR, TriPPPeY, Triton, Tusk, Tylenul, ValidNick, Vemzii, Vetra, wargod, Wensoar, WeyaWe, WFH3, Wiley, WinntuR, WuPockets, yaddy, yylliblliHH, Zayous1, Zealous, Zero, ZiKaNe, Zurka, Zveir, Zymeīatchford, Jimbo, Looney, Mysta, Phlux, Ramirez, Respectful, Riotz, robs1n, Snipaul, Snipedrone, Squashy, tuf0xy, WarLordĪtzo, Bullet, Dragoniak, Drift, Gambino, Laaylox, Leuor, Luderk, Nugget, Rorzch, Strikeyy, Tapping Buttonsīarcode, BZIIRK, FlexRainZ, Madsyy, Praties, Rated, Slayzįragxr, Lqgend, NURIX, Shaady, Sica, SLG, TchiKīurton, Cherished, CHILLED U, Druk, Porky J.

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