Change to your Downloads directory or the directory containing fciv and the file you want to compare.You can also open it from the Run box if you press Win+ R (hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and press R), type cmd, and press Enter. In Windows 10, you can find it under Start menu → Windows System → Command Prompt. FCIV is a command-line utility, so you need to run it from the Windows command prompt.If you copy the fciv.exe file to your C:\Windows directory, the command works from any directory or drive in the command prompt. Click Browse, highlight Downloads, and click OK. It's convenient to have it in the same place as the WinDirStat installer, so we recommend you extract it to your Downloads folder. The installer asks where you want to extract the files.
Click Yes to accept the license agreement.Run the executable, Windows-KB841290-x86-ENU.exe.Downloading and installing Microsoft FCIV WinDirStat is a great free utility for checking what files and folders are occupying space on your hard drive. In our example, we are downloading, installing, and using the Microsoft FCIV ( File Checksum Integrity Verifier) to check the WinDirStat installer file. Unfortunately, no version of Microsoft Windows comes pre-installed with a checksum utility, but Microsoft has released a command line command perform a checksum. If both values match, you see a message box indicating the values are the same. To compare the values with what's shown on the web page or documentation, copy and paste the checksum to the Compare box and click Verify. After clicking Calculate, a result is shown in the Result box.In our example below, we set the value to SHA1. Select the type of Checksum you are calculating.In our example, we are checking the checksum of the windirstat1_1_2_setup.exe file. Click the Browse next to the file box and browse to the file you want to check.Open the Checksum Calculator if not already opened after the install.

How to check the checksum of a file in Windows How to view the checksum of a file in Linux.How to check the checksum of a file in Windows.